スペイン政府は、欧州委員会からの銀行再編基金(FROB;Fondo de Reestructuracion Ordenada Bancaria)への1000億0000'0000ユーロまでの融資について、救済される銀行の再編成や、銀行を清算する条件などについての勅令を発表
El Gobierno aprueba hoy la normativa del "banco malo" y liquidar entidades
EFE Economía Madrid 31 AGO 2012 - 06:46 CET
The Government today approved the rules of the "bad bank" and settle entities
Economy Madrid EFE 31 AGO 2012 - 06:46 CET
The royal decree, which is a requirement for Brussels to grant up to 100,000 million to the bank, gives wide powers to the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB) to act both entities that just need a little help as you require a deep restructuring or liquidation true.
If you just need help, the FROB will become a shareholder if the amount is not returned in five years, but may be granted up to a two year extension.
Restructuring or liquidation of an entity in any event entail losses for shareholders, equity holders or partners and, on appeal, the subordinated creditors.
One of the main novelties of the royal decree is the creation of "bad bank", which will isolate the bad assets of financial institutions and that there will "never" a cost to the taxpayer, according to Economy Minister Luis de Guindos.
This partnership will start in November, once known valuations that apply to acquiring real estate assets and the way of financing.
The draft royal decree warns that individuals who bought preferred shares and subordinated debt Bankia, Caixa Catalunya, Novagalicia and Banco de Valencia necessarily have to accept the new conditions imposed by the FROB and may only appeal to the High Court for losses .
The FROB could then buy them back at a price not exceeding the "market value", an option that the financial sector considered applicable only to those who want to get their money immediately, as it results in heavy losses.
There will be differences in the framework for action in the case of entities that receive aid and are not controlled by the FROB, because then the options to raise the affected volunteer placement will be preferred.
Furthermore, the Government has also decided to limit a second time fixed compensation that can perceive financial institutions responsible for public aid, which reached a maximum € 500,000, compared with 600,000 euros set in February.
The drop in salary affect, for example, those responsible for BMN and Caja Duero Spain-box while in nationalized as Novagalicia or CatalunyaCaixa remains the limit of 300,000 euros.
Among other innovations, also notes that Spanish banks will have to raise by 2013 its solvency level of 8% to 9%, a percentage that until now only requires five major banks (Banco Santander, BBVA, Banco Popular, La Caixa and Bankia BFA).
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