スペインの右翼の教育大臣のJose Ignacio wert ホセ·イグナシオ·ワートの推進する教育改革(改悪?)は、前途多難。
‘Ley Wert’ con pies de barro
Falta de consenso, problemas de financiación y competencias comprometen la reforma
El Congreso aguarda un encendido debate
J. A. Aunión Madrid 10 FEB 2013 - 18:20 CET
'Wert Law' with feet of clay
Lack of consensus, funding problems and skills reform compromise
Congress awaits a heated debate
J. A. Aunión Madrid 10 FEB 2013 - 18:20 CET
Legal reform promoted by the Ministry of Education has gone shorn of the consultation process to autonomy-for which the PP communities have continued to raise questions, complaints, and in the coming months expect a Congress of Deputies in the most groups shown already quite hostile. In everyone's mind is the old school law passed by a popular government, the LOCE, 2002.
That standard only supported in Parliament and Canary Coalition PP and did not enter into force only in some things because the PSOE withdrew when it came to government in 2004. The Zapatero government made another law (LOE, 2006) that was passed in Congress with the sole opposition PP (CiU, BNG and abstained CHA), and that is that the current PP government will change. One possible moral for the reformer would be: try to do it with the greatest possible consensus. Another: do it as soon as possible, so you get to enter fully into force.
For the current attempt, with an absolute majority similar to 2002, public statements pointing to the first moral, but rather the facts pointed to the second. However, the process came to an abrupt halt with the regional consultation process, during which, the rejection of the communities that are not governed by the PP, was joined by an unexpected outbreak of rebellion yes autonomy are directed by the popular. What many thought would be a mere formality resolved at the end of October 2012 lasted in fact until last week, with a final meeting between the ministry and communities.
The PP LOCE approved in 2002 with the sole support
Canary Coalition
At that time, the text changed substantially towards more ideological and yet not over happy leaving PP counselors, now not leave the accounts of the reform: the ministry estimated € 408 million in direct costs to be financed by the State in three years and to 927 billion assume communities. This financial report of the Act has undergone very important changes in a short time: the first version was needed calculated five times less money and some autonomous still believe that the latest version falls short.
Wert Minister has said it will create a commission to adjust the calculations, but the text remains as it is, so the potential change agreements (in memory and in the articles of the law) would have to wait longer parliamentary debate.
He referred the Deputy Prime Minister, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, to try to cool, last December, the controversy surrounding the new draft, which brought more support for the charter school, an alternative subject to the disappearance of Religion of Citizenship and above all, a clause requiring the Catalan primarily offering classes in Castilian parents who wish, if necessary, paying a private school. So, after the new text ignite the minds of the more leftist parties, from parents, students unions and public school advocates (and mobilized against cuts) and nationalists, the vice president insisted that there will be long periods to allow negotiations and amendments, and that probably would not be approved by law until early 2014.
Now, after consultation autonomic and Education Council, the process goes through the report of the State Council, which may take around two months, and then the Council of Ministers shall adopt the text definitively pass Congress. The Ministry of Education does not want to make estimates of when this will happen. Saenz de Santamaria said it would be mid-year. But in the PSOE believe it could be earlier, in April, and fear that delaying calculations of the vice president may be a tactic to demobilize the protests, says Mario Beder, Education spokesman of the Socialist Group in Congress.
rejects parliamentary groups
the project
Arrive when you arrive, what is clear is that the current bill does not have to support just beyond the Popular Party. From Basque groups, especially, Catalan, fight anything that intrudes believe in their powers (especially the issue of official language). Marti Barbera Catalan Group, said that his party was ready to cooperate to improve education, but they will oppose with all their might to the current proposal "by ideological, retrograde and centralist" and to defend its language immersion model, with the sole language of the school is Catalan.
Meanwhile, PSOE and IU have accused reform segregating and unjust, and reject concessions to private school and bishops. Beder, PSOE, announces that prompted a number of hearings of education sectors during the parliamentary process to address the lack of debate, he says, has been so far. To UPyD not reform it, in this case, "because it falls short": "presents almost the same model" did not work, complains his education spokesman in Congress, Carlos Martinez Gorriarán.
In any case, remember that the PP has a majority, allowing it to pass the bill without support. If this occurs in 2014, as envisaged by the vice president, the law would not begin to apply until September 2015, near the end of this legislature.
The key reform proposal
Official language. The future law would force official language communities choose to give parents the primary language of instruction for their children. If there is your choice in public or your local concert, the autonomous government must pay a private school.
Itineraries. They advance to third on the ESO (starts at 14) pathways that separate students who go to school and those who go to FP. In addition, establishing the basic FP and are ahead of the ESO second alternative pathways for students with difficulties.
Religion and Citizenship. Material is recovered Religion alternative to (be called Cultural and Social Values in Ethical Values in primary and secondary) and completely eliminates the field of Education for Citizenship created with the 2006 reform.
Evaluation and revalidation. The primary external evaluations (in third and sixth) will not have academic consequences, will be to detect problems. After the ESO, at age 16, and high school at 18, yes there will be to pass a bar exam to achieve the title. The latter replaces the selectivity revalidation.
The curriculum. The Central Government shall determine the contents of the core subjects in primary, secondary and high school (eg, Biology, Geology, Physics and Chemistry, Geography and History, Language, Mathematics, Foreign Language). For almost everyone else, the "specific" (Physical Education, Visual Arts, Music, etc.), set objectives and evaluation criteria, the autonomies will fix their particular agenda.
Concerted. The shield grants to schools that teach-sex education, despite recent Supreme Court decisions that reject. In addition, the text is changed to lower the legal precedence over the concerted public school.
Specialization. It promotes both centers specializing in certain areas (for example, the path to the FP or in secondary school) as plans for quality improvement (the centers that may hold funds impart extra). Both sides can make note of the students count up to 20% in the high school admissions process.
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