スペインの国立証券市場委員会:CNMV(la Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores)は、監査会社のDeloitteにPescanovaの破産(倒産)管理を指示
La CNMV encarga a Deloitte administrar el concurso de acreedores de Pescanova
El juez dejó en manos del supervisor bursátil la gestión de la pesquera y el organismo ha pedido a la auditora que se ponga al frente del concurso
Cristina Delgado Madrid 26 ABR 2013 - 18:49 CET
The CNMV Deloitte instructs manage Pescanova bankruptcy
The judge left to the regulatory filing fisheries management and the agency has asked the auditor to be put in front of the competition
Cristina Delgado Madrid 26 ABR 2013 - 18:49 CET
The National Securities Market has asked Deloitte to become the administrator of Pescanova. Judge Roberto de la Cruz Alvarez, the Commercial Court No. 1 of Pontevedra, handed over to the Securities and Exchange full control over the Galician company, and pushed the board of management administrator. The CNMV has announced that "at its meeting agreed to propose to Deloitte as administrator of Pescanova SA". I had five days to designate who would be responsible, but it took just over 24 hours to draw who will bring order between the company and creditors to avoid bankruptcy.
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"In compliance with the order of the Commercial Court No. 1 of Pontevedra, the April 25, 2013, the CNMV has reported the identity of the administration proposal to the court and the debtor. Administration proposal has been informed of his duty to appear before the court and to express their acceptance or rejection of the position, as well as compliance with all requirements, obligations and responsibilities as a trustee in bankruptcy law established, once it has been appointed by the court, "said the CNMV.
The judge in charge of declaring Pescanova contest, reviewed his car yesterday in the various irregularities that have been with the company over the past two months, has not provided reliable data on their finances, Fernandez Sousa hid it had sold half of the shares and the Board of Directors is divided. He concluded that "without fear of equivocation" hold "full powers of the debtor can lead to a difficult situation governance" Pescanova, and therefore pushed the president from office and left the management in the hands of a single trustee, they should be elected by the CNMV.
クリスティーナデルガドマドリード26 ABR 2013 - 18時49分CET
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