モロッコとの国境のスペイン領 Melilla市で、国境の6mの金網を乗り越えて約200人のうちの約70人のアフリカ人が越境、密入国を果す。
Bronca en Melilla tras acoger el líder de la oposición a 30 inmigrantes en su casa
Más de 70 subsaharianos lograron saltar la valla en la noche del jueves.
El presidente de la ciudad afirma que Aberchán se equivoca al proteger a inmigrantes.
Ignacio Cembrero Madrid 27 ABR 2013 - 00:00 CET
Quarrel in Melilla after hosting the leader of the opposition to 30 immigrants at home
More than 70 sub-Saharan managed to jump the fence on Thursday night.
The president of the city states that Aberchán is wrong to protect immigrants.
Ignacio Cembrero Madrid 27 ABR 2013 - 00:00 CET
Aberchán Mustafa, leader of the opposition Muslim Coalition for Melilla (CpM), was outraged to return on Thursday night at home on the road to Farhana. On the sidewalk and access ramp to the garage "was crammed immigrants, naked, barefoot and frightened" to the Spanish security forces, recalls.
SSA were thirty of the more than 70 that on the 22h., Had managed to jump, with craft or climbing stairs, six meters of the fence that separates the autonomous city of Morocco. In total about 200 just tried when there was over from the Civil Guard on the border.
moreOpposition leader refuge to 30 immigrants who jumped the fence
Aberchán, 53, who was president of the city in the nineties, did not think twice, when I heard screaming "No Gurugú! No Morocco ". And expressed his fear of being returned to the country hot where they came from.
He opened the door of his garage "because he did not want injuries or intoxicated at my home," said Aberchán the phone. Had to protect them from "isolated violent behavior by police" who fired tear gas, wrote in one of the tweets. In other hot drafted messages critical of the security forces who then wiped.
To Aberchán moved house, for seconding, José Palazón, who heads a local NGO Prodein, and a couple of deputies CpM, the main opposition People's Party that governs the city.
Angel also attended Riesco, the chief of police, who negotiated the delivery of immigrants. Escorted by Aberchán and Palazón and by a handful of policemen walked quietly to the Center Temporary Stay of Immigrants (CETI) which entered at dawn. "The attitude of the immigrants was exemplary," he insisted Aberchán in CETI door.
A Juan Jose Imbroda, President of Melilla, Aberchán attitude has not seemed exemplary. He was wrong "totally," he said. "The sensitivity of these people never can be detrimental to the law," also said in a tweet. "Consciousness is covered with many, with 20 in the house?" He asked then annoyed to the press.
The Government delegate, Abdelmalik the Barkani, justified the action of the Guardia Civil to the house Aberchán which relieved the police. Was devoted to "order them [immigrants] to come out (...), and protect family living housing." "In any case, violence was used, but the strength," he added. There were three officers injured.
Until recently, the immigrants who came rushing in Melilla were violent only when jumped the fence, but, once inside, they behaved peacefully and so did those who came by sea.
Now "we have a profile of immigrant younger, physically fit and willing to enter the city at the expense of what is" according to the government delegate. If now resort to force is because they fear being expelled hot as happened, for example, passengers of a boat that arrived on 15 March, a few meters from the coast.
Although the Civil Guard said they would take them to the dock, I drove out to sea where they gave the Moroccan Gendarmerie, as Palazón. "It was an illegal deportation," he says. So when approached last Sunday another boat, with its occupants refused to institute agents armed with sticks and knives. Six guards were injured and six immigrants were imprisoned instead of the CETI.
In the eyes of President Imbroda the solution is, he said, to "change the immigration law and create a zone of rejection at the frontier", ie now legalize the expulsions are carried out with discretion. It will take time. Meanwhile strengthen the presence of the Civil Guard in Melilla, as announced by the Government Delegate. A unit of Security Groups Reserve and is already way out of town.
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