Europa dislocada
La UE desilusiona crecientemente a su ciudadanía fabricando un paro inaceptable de 26 millones
Francisco G. Basterra 26 ABR 2013 - 19:11 CET
Europe dislocated
The EU increasingly disillusioned its citizens making unacceptable arrest 26 million
Francisco G. Basterra 26 ABR 2013 - 19:11 CET
A dislocated Europe, in the double sense of confused and disjointed world lose weight while U.S. pivots to Asia. The EU increasingly disillusioned its citizens making unacceptable arrest, 26 million of them six long provided by Spain, with a unidimensional policy aimed at alleviating forgetting markets to citizens. The extreme application of austerity without realizing that the antibiotic has killed the patient. Three long years and navel staring at resolving the crisis, producing a split between the North and South of the continent, and the absolute discrediting of politics and politicians. At that, however, when it all comes down, it comes ultimately as we have seen in Italy, with the call to a young Democrat centrist left last named Enrico Letta, to form a tough salvation government national. The octogenarian president of Italy, he was about to enjoy a well-deserved retirement, has been called to save the Republic. Who could do in Spain Napolitano's speech criticizing the incompetence, rampant corruption of the political class and absolute distrust between the right and the left? Where are the men able to call civic reform the system, everything that has been old, including Constitution, which requires rethinking end the nonsense about who does not pay and the culture of the impunity matches, and not only them? We agree that this appeal today seem implausible, incredible, from any of our powers or institutions, including the head of state.
The spring, so capricious meteorologically, has brought us the first signs that austerity thick and thin, no shades, may have their days numbered. Draw the acceptance that was not the only possible policy. At the time, Germany is beginning to see the wolf ears recession and fears for the economic health of the French patient. Merkel is concerned that the economy will rebound this spring and throw it over the September elections, which must reach a consolidated economic growth outlook. The Social Democrats support loose ballast closed to European policy of Chancellor, and a new party, Alternative for Germany, proposes an orderly exit from the euro. Southern Europe suffers the requirement to achieve reductions in budget deficits impossible rebels, also France, no longer can keep shopping for German exports, which are not as easily absorbed by a China that has decided to grow more slowly, to Daimler Benz, Mercedes and Volkswagen are shrinking profits. The engine backfires European growth.
Austerity thick and thin, no shades, may have their days numbered
The president of the European Commission, the Portuguese Barroso, an expert in swimming and store clothes, surprised this week by declaring that austerity has reached its limit, nor is it effective or socially viable because it lacks the minimum social and political support. Some fall from his horse. The IMF admits that undervalue the impact on the growth of public spending cuts. The intellectual godfathers article of faith of fiscal austerity, the Harvard professors Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, have been refuted his golden rule: there is a ceiling of 90% of public debt to GDP at which economic growth decreases markedly. As John Kenneth Galbraith said refuting Milton Friedman, "Milton's misfortune was that his policies had been proven", the same could be said today of austerity ravaging Europe.
However, the stubborn Merkel relents and returns to talk about the German question that both meant the last century. Painted with the Hitler mustache from the deep south, the Greeks believe the Germans should repair to 162,000 million damage caused by the Nazi invasion of his country. Meanwhile, the Germans think that Spain is a weak, corrupt and little citizens traditional workers. Without the counterweight of France and the United Kingdom europhobia sick there is no alternative to the German leadership. A country such as Kissinger said, too big for Europe and too small for the world. Germany leads Europe doomed if and damned if he does not. British historian Brendan Simms, author of Europe: the fight for supremacy, sums up the problem: "Germany is uncomfortable in the heart of the European Union was conceived mainly to constrain the power of Germany, but has served on the contrary to increase it, and whose design flaws have stripped many other European sovereignty ".
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