スペインの建設会社Hispanica社長Alfonso Garcia Pozueloの贈賄(賄賂)の不法(汚職)献金は、Francisco Correaの懐に収まる。
Hacienda acredita que Correa se quedó dinero que dio un constructor a Gurtel
Bárcenas busca que no se interrogue a la tratante de los cuadros de su esposa
José Antonio Hernández Madrid 24 ABR 2013 - 00:00 CET
Finance certifies that Correa was a builder gave money to Gurtel
Barcenas seeks not the dealer interrogate the pictures of his wife
José Antonio Hernández Madrid 24 ABR 2013 - 00:00 CET
A report by the Tax credits much of the money they paid the Gürtel network builder Pozuelo Alfonso Garcia, former owner of Hispanic Construction, went to their own pockets ringleader of the plot, Francisco Correa. The report notes that Garcia Pozuelo, indicted for influence peddling and bribery, made deliveries to the network and then this, through professional bleaching as Eduardo Eraso, took the money to tax havens and then from there repatriated to Spain in form of investment that were finally Correa himself and members of his network. Other money, the total of 4.2 million euros Pozuelo Garcia had allegedly given to the network, distributed Correa people that the book mentions the plot initials as "LB" or "Luis The bastard "which police linked to the PP extesorero Luis Barcenas. This is stated on the box b that Correa police intervened.
The Tax Office has prepared a special report on the activity of Eduardo Eraso the Gürtel network in which it concludes that this could whiten up to five million euros between 2001 and 2005. Police Eraso categorizes as the big money launderer strap mounted cluster. Eraso have to report tomorrow, Thursday, before the National Court Judge Pablo Ruz, Gürtel instructor to explain all money laundering operations that the police attributed.
The amounts aportabas by Garcia Pozuelo contained in a pen drive and a folder in which are the supposed blue box b of the network. The Treasury report specifies the source and destination given Gürtel network Correa and Garcia deliveries Pozuelo. One of the payments that the Treasury is credited as follows: "On April 29, 2002 were entered EUR 24,000 X BOX PC. On April 24 received a delivery of 537,000 euros of Alfonso Garcia Pozuelo (Construction Hispanica), as recorded in the blue folder "(Correa box b). According to the Tax the destination of that money was as follows: "The amount of $ 26,926 is entered in Hilgart is grouped with other transfers of 84,506 euros received the April 26 signing off Freetown on 15 May with property investment destination of Fortune ". All these firms are the fabric of Correa. These data reveal that most of the money from this builder stared Correa himself and went to politicians.
Moreover, the PP extesorero Luis Barcenas is trying to prevent Judge Ruz Argentina send a rogatory commission to question Ardanaz Isabel, whom Barcenas identified as the person who handled the sale of some paintings owned by his wife, Rosalie Churches, amounting to 500,000 euros. Ruz has avoided since this maneuver.
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