El BCE mantiene los tipos de interés en el 0,75% pese a la desaceleración económica
Fráncfort mantiene la tasa en el nivel más bajo de su historia por décimo mes consecutivo
Agencias / El País Fráncfort 4 ABR 2013 - 14:33 CET
The ECB kept interest rates at 0.75% despite the economic slowdown
Frankfurt kept the rate at the lowest level in its history for the tenth month in a row
Agencies / The Country Frankfurt 4 ABR 2013 - 14:33 CET
The Council of European Central Bank (ECB) announced that it will keep interest rates at 0.75%, the lowest level in its history, for the tenth consecutive month. The decision was expected by analysts, despite the poor economic situation in the eurozone, the prolonged credit crunch, the crisis in Cyprus and removal of inflationary pressures. The institution also left without touching the intraday loan rate, which remains at 1.5%, and maintained a zero rate for deposits in the bank.
"The ECB's decision was within the market consensus," said Joaquin Gonzalez-Llamazares, director of fixed income at Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management. This analyst believes that there is some reluctance among national central banks to keep rates. Considers that the decision assesses the degree of fragmentation of the financial sector. And he believes that "a drop produce limited benefits in Central European countries but not in the periphery."
Economic activity in the euro area experienced in the whole of 2012 contracted by 0.6% over the previous year, when gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 1.5%, which represents a tenth as contemplated the first estimate of the data published by the EU's statistical office, Eurostat.
Also, the unemployment rate in the euro area stood last February at 12%, in line with the record of the previous month and well above the 10.9% recorded a year ago. For the first time, the number of unemployed exceeded 19 million in the region, which means an increase of 1.77 million over the last twelve months.
For its part, the annualized inflation rate stood the eurozone in March at 1.7%, one tenth less than in February and the lowest level of the indicator since August 2010, according to data released this advance Eurostat Wednesday.
The Bank of England kept interest rates at 0.5%, and the provision of its economic stimulus program. The Bank of Japan (BoJ), meanwhile, has announced that it will ease monetary policy further and it will buy more government bonds and other financial assets.
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