



Y ahora llega la gran reforma de pensiones

Con la reforma del retiro anticipado, el Gobierno ha puesto en marcha la creación del factor de sostenibilidad

DESCARGABLE Sistema Público de Pensiones: su adaptabilidad es su seguridad
Manuel V. Gómez Madrid 16 MAR 2013 - 20:35 CET

sobre el factor.
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era de 3,4; los pronósticos para 2060 rebajan la relación hasta 1,6.
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Fuentes: The ageing report, 2012. Comisión Europea e INE. / EL PAÍS

And now comes the great pension reform

With the reform of early retirement, the Government has initiated the creation of the sustainability factor

DOWNLOADABLE public pension system: its adaptability is its safety

Manuel V. Gomez Madrid 16 MAR 2013 - 20:35 CET

While the government approved on Friday the partial retirement reform and advance, opened the door to a permanent and pension reform: the creation of the sustainability factor. Under this technicality hides a mathematical formula that will periodically establishing fundamental aspects of any system of pensions and retirement age, the period of the final benefit calculation or annual revaluation based on such criteria as life expectancy, the number of contributors or the performance of the economy.
The pension reform of 2011 provided for the creation of this sustainability factor act 2027 and first in 2032. But they do not like such long periods either in Brussels or, especially in Germany, where this mechanism works since 2005. The Government has taken note and in the decree to reform the partial early retirement and published yesterday in the BOE announced the creation of a commission of experts in a month to prepare a report with a proposal on the factor.

This document is sent to Parliament which then have to leave sooner rather than later, according to the rush of Brussels, one of the most important reforms of Social Security in its history. Probably only in 2011, when it delayed the legal retirement age from 65 to 67 years as a general rule there was a change of a similar caliber.
How do you have to be? What elements should be considered? What fundamental parameters should change? "The goal is to reduce increased spending dynamics of the pension system," said Fidel Ferreras, former CEO of the National Social Security Institute, "and for that we must act on the three elements that make its evolution: the annual revaluation, the demographic [retirement age] and the amount of new pensions ".
The same view is Jose Enrique Devesa. This professor of Actuarial Science at the University of Valencia specialized in pension calculations argues that both factors integrate sustainability equation and in its ultimate consequences are taken into account more than one aspect. And gives an example: "If to create the mechanism only take into account the life expectancy of five years would be to raise the retirement age about six months."
Ferreras, also collaborator Max Planck Institute, Munich, is even more pessimistic. "If you take into account what happened in 2011, life expectancy at age 65 increased by 48 days and that by itself increased pension spending 408 million. So there are two options or delayed retirement age for the same period or proportionately reduced pension, "says based on his recently published study.
The Ministry of Employment has taken note of this type of approach and want to take the factor of sustainability beyond the law of 2011, which poses a sustainability factor that starting only life expectancy at the time of retirement ( now 18.4 years for men and 22.3 for women) change fundamental aspects of the system (retirement age pension amount or calculation period of performance). Tomás Burgos, Secretary of State for Social Security, plans to have in mind the evolution of the number of contributors or the march of GDP.
The aging of the European population combined with its low birth rate forecasts leads to worrying about the evolution of pension expenditure. According to the latest report of the European Commission's proposal of 2012, only six EU countries in 2060 will lower spending. In Spain, will rise by more than three points of GDP to 13.7%. However, in these as long-term projections are not considered legal changes or unforeseen variables as migration shocks.
There is another fact which justifies the ongoing reform of the system: the number of people between 16 and 64 years for each pensioner. In 2010 this ratio was 3.4, the forecasts for 2060 lower the ratio to 1.6.

Sources: The aging report, 2012. European Commission and INE. / COUNTRY
Juan Lopez Gandia, Professor of Labour Law at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, share calculations and demographic forecasts, but agrees that when speaking of the sustainability factor only takes into account the aspects of spending. "You never talk about funding," he complains. "Why do not question the revenue model only through quotations? You can use or create a tax VAT finalist [model followed in France]. Even up membership fees, there are countries that goes "he proposes.
Gandia Lopez warns that the age is not an element that can be played standing. "Physiologically impossible. Moreover, in Spain the problem is that the participation rate and employment of over 60 years [37.3% and 31%, respectively]. Companies do not hire these people fired. Who cares that the retirement age increase or hinder the advance ".
But Lopez Gandia is aware that the direction taken pension reforms in Spain follow the same direction as the Europeans: it points to the same time he's sorry. Germany was one of the pioneering countries since 2005. Berlin, in the formula not only takes life expectancy, also includes the number of contributors and pensioners. Portugal, however, only uses the first variable. Model that has followed Italy.




マヌエルV.ゴメスマドリード16 MAR 2013 - 20時35分CET

どのようにしなければならないか?何の要素が考慮されるべきである?基本的なパラメータは何を変更する必要がありますか? "目標は、年金制度の増加支出ダイナミクスを減らすことである、"フィデルFerreras、国立社会保障研究所の元最高経営責任者(CEO)は、言った、 "そのために私たちはその進化をする三つの要素に作用しなければなりません:毎年恒例の再評価、人口統計[定年]と新しい年金 "の額。
同じビューにはホセエンリケDevesaです。年金計算でバレンシア専門の大学の数理計算上の科学のこの教授は両方の要因が持続可能性の方程式を統合し、その最終的な結果の1つの側面よりも考慮されていると主張している。と例を与える: "のメカニズムを作成する場合は5年の寿命は半年程度の退職年齢を引き上げることであろう考慮だけ取る。"
Ferrerasもコラボマックスプランク研究所、ミュンヘンは、さらに悲観的である。 "あなたは2011年に何が起こったのかを考慮に入れた場合、65歳時の平均余命は、単独で48日までに、その増加した408万ドルを費やして年金を増加させた。だから、同じ期間または比例縮小年金の2つのオプションまたは遅延定年があり、 "彼の最近発表された研究に基づいては述べています。
その低い出生率の予測と組み合わせたヨーロッパの人口の高齢化は、年金支出の進化を心配につながる。 2012年の欧州委員会の提案の最新の報告によると、2060年にわずか6 EU加盟国は、支出を下げます。スペインでは、13.7%の国内総生産(GDP)の3点以上で上昇します。しかし、これらのように、長期的な予測では法改正や移行ショックなどの不測の変数とは見なされません。
各年金受給者のための16と64歳の間に人々の数:システムの継続的な改革を正当化する別の事実があります。 2010年にはこの比率が3.4であった、2060年の予測は、1.6への比率を下げる。

出典:高齢化レポート2012年。欧州委員会とINE。 /国
フアン·ロペスガンディア、バレンシア、シェアの計算と人口動態予測の工科大学で労働法の教授が、持続可能性因子の話すとき考慮支出の側面を取ることだけに同意するものとします。 "あなたは、資金調達の話することはありません"と、彼は文句を言います。 "なぜ、唯一の引用を通じて収益モデルを疑問視しないのですか?あなたは[フランスで続くモデル]を使用するか、または税付加価値税のファイナリストを作成することができます。さえ会費アップ、 "彼は提案行く国々があります。
ガンディアロペスは年齢が立って遊ぶことができる要素ではないことを警告します。 "生理学的に不可能。また、スペインでの問題は、60年以上の参加率と雇用[それぞれ37.3%と31%、]。企業は、これらの人々が解雇雇うません。誰が "定年が進歩を増やすか、妨げることを気遣う。

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