



Contratos especulativos en entes públicos abren otro agujero en Portugal

El Gobierno revela la existencia de operaciones de alto riesgo en empresas estatales que arrojan pérdidas de 3.000 millones.

Destituidos dos secretarios de Estado por su supuesta vinculación con la contratación de productos

Antonio Jiménez Barca Lisboa 23 ABR 2013 - 13:00 CET

Contracts speculative public bodies open another hole in Portugal

The government revealed the existence of high-risk operations SOEs are loss of 3,000 million.

Two Secretaries of State dismissed for their alleged links with the contracting of products

Antonio Jimenez Barca Lisbon 23 ABR 2013 - 13:00 CET

A number of speculative contracts, considered high risk, have created a new hole in the already battered Portuguese public accounts and have swept away two secretaries of state. Contracts are old, signed the majority between 2003 and 2009, affecting at least 15 public companies, among which include the public company that manages the subway in Porto, Lisbon's metro, buses and even Lisbon TAP. The hole is between 2,600 and 3,000 million euros. Considerable, if you consider that the recent judgment of the Constitutional Court, vetoing some budget measures in effect, amounted to 1,300 million euros and generated economic and political turmoil in the country.
Speculative contracts, now thoroughly investigates the Ministry of Finance, are called swaps, which means "change or truck" in English. Is signed signed by those who claim to protect businesses from a hypothetical increase in interest. Overall: being agreed fixed interest and added a special clause that if the interest rose much public enterprises received some compensation, if down, were the banks that benefited. Precisely what happened: interest (Euribor, without going further) has plummeted in recent years, crawling on its lowest rate ever. And this, rebound, has generated much of this hole Portuguese companies such as Lisbon metro, with 1,100 million euros of losses in risk contracts, or Porto, with over 800 million, are already yes deficit and are engaged in a wave of cuts, cutting lines or laying off staff.
The Ministry of Finance and negotiates with banks, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank or BNP Paribas Deutcsche, in order to rescind, in the manner most advantageous to the Portuguese Government, many of these contracts. In parallel, it is thoroughly inspecting all these contracts to try to get to the bottom of the hole and "try to purge responsibilities." Because it's true that some of these contracts were signed to protect the public company in about a runaway rise in interest. But others are darker or more strangers. One source of this inspection ensures today's edition of the weekly Expresso: "There are contracts that are anything but normal contracts." Other political commentators have denounced this practice "playing with public companies like going to the casino". And today Público says that some of the clauses of these contracts, factors that alter the amount of interest they must pay the Portuguese public companies to banks are tied to factors such as the price of a barrel of oil or dollar-euro parity. The two secretaries of state who have been dismissed, Paulo Braga and Peneda Juvenal, managed for many years the Porto Metro.





アントニオ·ヒメネスバルカリスボン23 ABR 2013 - 13:00 CET

投機的な契約は、今では完全に財務省を調査し、英語で "変化やトラック"を意味する、スワップと呼ばれています。持分の仮定の増加から企業を保護するために主張する人々が署名した署名されています。全体:固定金利を合意し、特別な条項を追加されている関心がダウンして、恩恵を受けた銀行だったらはるかに公共企業は、いくつかの補償を受け上昇した場合。正確に何が起こった:興味が(物Euribor、さらに介さずに)これまで最も低いレートにクロール、近年では急落しました。そして、この、リバウンドは、8億以上でそのようなリスボンリスク契約の損失の1,100万ユーロと地下鉄、またはポルトなどポルトガルの企業は、すでに多くのこの穴のを生成しましたはい赤字とカットの波、ラインを切断したり、スタッフを解雇に従事している。
ポルトガル政府に最​​も有利な方法で、銀行と財務省と交渉省、ゴールドマン·サックス、JPモルガン、銀行やBNPパリバDeutcsche、取り消すために、これらの契約の多くは。並行して、それは徹底的に穴の底に取得しようとするすべてのこれらの契約を検査されて、 "責任をパージしようとする。"それは、これらの契約の一部が利益のために、約暴走上昇に公開会社を守るために署名したことは事実だからです。しかし、他の人が暗く以上見知らぬ人です。この検査の一つの源は毎週エスプレッソ今日の版を確実に "何かが通常の契約である契約があります。"他の政治のコメンテーターは "カジノに行くような公開会社で遊んで"このような行為を非難しました。そして今日パブリコは、これらの契約の条項のいくつかは、彼らが銀行にポルトガルの公開企業を支払わなければならない利子の額を変更する要因がこのようなのバレルの価格などの要因に結びついていると言う油やドルユーロパリティ。却下された状態の2秘書、パウロ·ブラガとペネダ幼は、長年にわたってポルトメトロを管理していました。

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