


El 14 de marzo de 2013 Mohamed Aziz hizo historia. Junto a su abogado, Dionisio Moreno, y al juez José María Fernández Seijo, logró vencer al sistema usando tan solo argumentos legales. El Tribunal Europeo de Luxemburgo sentenció que las normas hipotecarias españolas no respetaban la directiva comunitaria sobre protección de los consumidores. La ley debía cambiar. La práctica judicial debía cambiar. La Unión Europea dio un tirón de orejas en toda regla a España por esta cuestión.

El magistrado Fernández Seijo, que fue quien llevó el caso a Luxemburgo, se convirtió a partir de ese momento en una especie de héroe de los desahuciados y su movimiento. Tres meses después de la resolución europea, en su despacho del juzgado mercantil número 3 de Barcelona, en la planta 12 de la Ciudad de la Justicia, el juez hace balance de los últimos años y quita hierro a este protagonismo no buscado. “Es verdad que la sentencia llegó en un momento emocionalmente complejo y que tuvo un efecto simbólico importante”, reconoce. “Pero vamos, lo menos parecido a un héroe soy yo. Tengo dos hijos pequeños y sus héroes son Batman y Superman. Su padre es un señor bastante aburrido y ellos no entienden bien lo que hago. El sistema, además, debería ser capaz de dar soluciones que evitaran este tipo de situaciones sin necesidad de héroes”.
la protesta

Fernández Seijo
En el 95% de los casos, además, el deudor, ante lo rápido que iba todo y la falta de instrumentos que tenía para defenderse, se quedaba en rebeldía y no aparecía

Fernández Seijo participó en unas jornadas sobre derecho a la vivienda hace ya siete años, en el Colegio de Abogados de Barcelona. Allí se encontró por primera vez con Ada Colau. Desde entonces, ha seguido muy de cerca el problema aunque su juzgado, mercantil, no se encarga propiamente de las ejecuciones hipotecarias (que llevan los juzgados de primera instancia). Él ve dos tipos de asuntos relacionados con los desahucios: por un lado las reclamaciones por cláusulas abusivas en los préstamos hipotecarios, que solían llegar con el desalojo de la persona ya realizado, y los procedimientos concursales por otro.

“Los pleitos por cláusulas abusivas empezaron tímidamente en 2008 y 2009. Todos los días entran demandas por cláusulas suelo”, explica. La información en los medios y las victorias judiciales están multiplicando el número de personas que acuden a los juzgados para reclamar sus derechos. “En el juzgado también llevamos algunas ejecuciones hipotecarias, pero solo si había previamente una situación de concurso”.

Cuando se le pregunta por el tipo de casos que ha visto, la respuesta refleja la deshumanización del proceso. “El procedimiento de ejecución hipotecaria estaba muy automatizado. El juez tenía muy poco margen de actuación. Para empezar, nosotros no ejecutábamos viviendas sino unidades registrales, de forma que no podíamos saber cuál era la problemática social o económica que subyacía al caso. Solo nos decían que se trataba de la finca 7.317 del registro de la propiedad de Barcelona. Por eso, casi todas las ejecuciones eran supervisadas por secretarios judiciales y por los servicios comunes del juzgado. En el 95% de los casos, además, el deudor, ante lo rápido que iba todo y la falta de instrumentos que tenía para defenderse, se quedaba en rebeldía y no aparecía. Nosotros ni siquiera sabíamos si era una plaza de garaje, un local comercial, un trastero o una vivienda. La hipoteca era un número. Nos enterábamos del drama que había detrás cuando tras el lanzamiento nos decían que se trataba de una vivienda con una familia dentro”.

El caso de Mohamed Aziz llegó a su juzgado el mismo día en el que lo iban a echar de su casa. El marroquí había pedido una hipoteca en 2008 y tuvo dificultades para pagar casi desde el principio. Cuando dejó de hacerlo, ese mismo año, el banco presentó un procedimiento de ejecución hipotecaria en Martorell (Barcelona). El día del desalojo, su abogado, Dionisio Moreno, acudió al juzgado de Fernández Seijo pidiendo unas medidas cautelares para tratar de paralizarlo. “Pero no había mecanismo legal para hacerlo”, recuerda el magistrado. “A mí el caso me entró como un procedimiento por cláusulas abusivas en el préstamo hipotecario. Fue entonces cuando se presentó la cuestión prejudicial [la consulta ante el Tribunal de la UE para ver si las leyes españolas respetaban o no la normativa europea]”.


European justice is still ticking closely unfair terms which applies the Spanish banking. The Court of Justice of the European Union has given a new blow to the Spanish legislation on foreclosure, the procedure that banks use to appropriate housing in the event of loan default, for example. European justice has ruled that the Spanish rule did not respect the rights of consumers, but now says that neither does the transitional arrangement which was adopted when the law was changed by the Community requirement. Specifically, the European court judged unlawful procedural delays.more information

The EU court also considers abusive mortgage law reform
An EU statement tests the system today evictions Spanish
The EU court empowers judges to halt evictions
Foreclosures were up 500%
Increases eviction despite the start of economic recovery
The number of foreclosures fell by 2.3%
Evictions and foreclosures rose by 7.4% in 2014
Mohamed made history with the first sentence
Following a judgment of 2013, the Government of Mariano Rajoy amended the legislation on foreclosures. In proceedings they commenced after the entry into force of the new law, if the evicted opposes the procedure on the grounds that the contractual term is unfair it might suspend the enforcement proceedings until the objection is resolved, something not previously I could do.
A transitional provision regulated the enforcement proceedings were ongoing. In such cases, to file an opposition to enforcement, interested parties had a period of a month, but that began to run from the day following the publication of the law in the Official State Gazette.
The Court of Justice of the EU recognized that a period of one month to formulate opposition seems in principle materially enough to prepare and bring an effective judicial remedy, so it is reasonable and proportionate response to the rights and interests of that about.
However, he notes that the mechanism established by the legislature to start calculating the period (ie, the publication of the Law in the Official State Gazette) is contrary to the principle of effectiveness.
"By stating that the period runs without consumers affected are informed personally of the possibility of invoking a new ground of opposition within the framework of enforcement proceedings begun before entering into force the new law, the transitional provision in could not guarantee that you can fully take advantage of that term and, therefore, does not guarantee the effective exercise of the new right recognized by the Spanish legislative amendment, "the court said in a note.
Therefore, the Court concludes that given the complexity of the procedure and the applicable law, there is a high risk that the term expires without consumers concerned to enforce effective and useful way their rights through the courts, "because in particular the fact that, in fact, ignore or do not perceive the exact extent of those rights. "
Judges and give reason to three consumers in a dispute between them with BBVA (formerly unnim). Those consumers raised objections to foreclosure initiated before the entry into force of the Spanish law. These consumers argue before the Court of First Instance number 4 Martorell (Barcelona) the limitation period of one month is contrary to the Directive.
The Spanish banks are in the disparadero for everything related to the so-called unfair terms. The European Commission has issued a report tomb Supreme Court ruling that sentenced three banks to return the floor clauses in mortgages only from May 2013. Brussels asks that all money collected by these clauses apply from the beginning of the reinstatement credit, not only from May 2013. The Commission understands that it is not possible that national courts can moderate the refund of the amount paid by the consumer, because if a provision is declared invalid, "it is from the beginning," but Brussels It aims to be the court of Luxembourg who finally decide what happens to the ground clauses.Research Brussels on the Spanish legislation
The European Commission has carried out a comprehensive assessment of the Spanish legislation and is currently negotiating -in what is known as "structured dialogue" in Bruselas-- with the Spanish authorities. The Commission has welcomed the changes already introduced in Spain, which improve consumer protection. However, it remains to determine whether the Spanish rules of civil procedures, including its rules on foreclosure procedures are fully compliant with the EU directive, according to EU sources. The Spanish Government sent information to Brussels last June, and the Commission is examining that response, the sources said.


したがって、裁判所は、「手順および適用法の複雑さを考えると、この用語は、自分たちの権利裁判所を通じて、効果的かつ有用な方法を実施するために、関係消費者なしで期限切れになることは危険性が高いと結論付けているため特に、実際には、無視するか、これらの権利の正確な範囲を認識しない、ということ。 "
スペインの銀行は、いわゆる不公正条項に関連するすべてのためのdisparaderoです。欧州委員会は、月2013年ブリュッセルから住宅ローンの床の句を返すために3つのバンクを宣告レポート墓最高裁の判決は、これらの句によって収集されたすべてのお金は、復職の初めから適用されることを要求し発行していますクレジットだけでなく、月2013年から委員会は規定が無効と宣言されている場合ので、それは、国内裁判所は、消費者が支払った金額の返金を緩和できることが不可能であることを理解し、 "それは、初めからである"しかし、ブリュッセルそれは最終的に地面句に何が起こるかを決めるルクセンブルクの裁判所とすることを目指しています。スペインの法律に関する研究ブリュッセル

The March 14, 2013 Mohamed Aziz made history. Together with his lawyer, Dionisio Moreno, and the judge José María Fernández Seijo, he managed to beat the system using only legal arguments. The European Court in Luxembourg ruled that the Spanish mortgage rules did not comply with Community legislation on consumer protection. The law should be changed. Judicial practice should change. The European Union gave a slap in the making to Spain in this matter.
Judge Fernández Seijo, who first brought the case to Luxembourg, became from that time a hero of the terminally ill and their movement. Three months after the European resolution, in his office at the commercial court number 3 of Barcelona, ​​on the 12th floor of the City of Justice, the judge takes stock of recent years and removes iron unintended this role. "It is true that the decision came in an emotionally complex time and had an important symbolic effect," he says. "But hey, at least like a hero I am. I have two small children and their heroes are Batman and Superman. His father is a pretty boring Mr. and they misunderstand what I do. The system also should be able to provide solutions to avoid such situations without heroes. "protest
Fernández SeijoIn 95% of cases, moreover, the debtor, to how fast you were going and the lack of instruments that had to defend himself, he stayed in absentia and did not appear
Fernández Seijo participated in a conference on housing rights and seven years ago in the Barcelona Bar Association. There he met first with Ada Colau. Since then, he has closely followed the issue although his trial, commercial, was not properly handles foreclosures (which carry the courts of first instance). He sees two types of evictions issues: first claims for unfair terms in mortgage loans, which used to come with the eviction of the person already done, and the other insolvency proceedings.
"The lawsuits began timidly unfair terms in 2008 and 2009. Every day fall lawsuits floor clauses" he explains. The information in the media and judicial victories are multiplying the number of people who come to court to claim their rights. "In the court also took some foreclosures, but only if previously was a bankrupt".
When asked by the type of cases he has seen, the response reflects the dehumanization process. "The foreclosure process was highly automated. The judge had little room for maneuver. For starters, we do not ejecutábamos houses but registry units, so we could not know what the social or economic problems that underlay the case. Just they told us that the farm was 7,317 Property Registry of Barcelona. Therefore, almost all executions were supervised by court clerks and common services of the court. In 95% of cases, moreover, the debtor, to how fast you were going and the lack of instruments that had to defend himself, he stayed in absentia and did not appear. We do not even know if it was a garage, a shop, a store or a house. The mortgage was a number. We learned of the drama behind when after the release telling us that it was a house with a family inside. "
Aziz Mohamed's case came to court the same day that they were going to take her home. The Moroccan had asked for a mortgage in 2008 and struggled to pay almost from the beginning. When he stopped, the same year, the bank filed foreclosure proceedings in Martorell (Barcelona). The day of the eviction, his lawyer, Dionisio Moreno, went to court asking Fernández Seijo prudential measures to try to paralyze. "But there was no legal mechanism to do so," says the judge. "To me I entered the case as an action for unfair terms in the mortgage loan. That's when the question was presented [the consultation before the EU Court to see whether or not Spanish law respected European regulations] ".

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