

2012年01月24日火曜日17:02 晴れ 最低気温;07ºC、最高気温;15ºC、BARCELONA県から


España debe a los españoles mas de 300 milliones de euros


English translayion from Spanish by Google


I have 38 years: for 10 I fell for Google, today I'm afraid. From 'big brother' has become 'Big Brother'. I have found that the greatest compiler knowledge of history actually plunders our data, books and even rights and taxed.

In 2009, Google paid to Spain by way of corporation tax 26,419 euros.

Millions of taxpayers are taxed more.I earn less, because in that same 2009, according to the International Advertising Bureau and PricewaterhouseCoopers, we believe that Google entered Spain 550 million euros.

And since then?Google has won more in Spain every year, so a conservative estimate would say that he joined another billion.

Are you saying that Google won 1,550 million in Spain only untaxed?I figure that should be taxed, and therefore we must to the Spanish-about 300 million euros. And that does not calculate the income and gains earned by the data extracted from all of us without notifying us.

How to evade the IRS?Maneuvers that may not be entirely illegal, but it certainly is immoral for a country like ours, which is closing operating rooms and nursing homes for the deficit. Google diverts almost all their income to Ireland. Nobody knows how much it is, because Google has always resisted giving sensitive information about yourself.

And Ireland had the lowest rate of taxation for companies in the EU: so was it.This has left us. Because in Spain Google would have paid between 20 and 30 percent of their income as income tax ... And conversely, in Ireland the tax rate was only 12.5 percent.

At least there was something in the EU.Not even that! Because Google is not satisfied with the 12.5 percent pay taxes, not wanting to pay nada.Y got it.

How?98 percent of the money received by the Irish subsidiary, the remaining two percent financing structure there, was sent to another Google company in the Netherlands, from where he sent-without paying a penny of taxes, accounts that Google itself controls in Bermuda, you know, a tax haven.

How did you hear that? Do you research?It did not take: Bloomberg published it. The nicknames of these tricks are fiscal engineering "Double Irish" and "Dutch Sandwich".

Above, pitorreo.The most outrageous is not anyone outraged. In fact, also Facebook and other U.S. multinationals use similar schemes to avoid paying taxes in Spain, although use of Facebook Cayman Islands tax haven of Bermuda instead.

Our Treasury is harder with the employee, and the small entrepreneur.This is because tax evasion is a full-scale looting. It is very serious: 60 percent less than the billionaires of all advertising revenue from internet in Spain is removed and not reversed in creating jobs here or maintain services and infrastructure, which in turn benefit Google itself.

And that advertising funded here before newspapers, magazines and jobs and talent.I shocked to find out. And I gave a talk on this pillaging we suffered in the PSOE to deputies and senators.

I suppose their indignation trocarían motions, bills ...The only concrete comment I got was a senior Industry: "We must make the system fairer, but do not you, Alexander, who is best to have a presence in Spain, even so?"

Cynical and helpless, but I hope the new government did act. And soon.Google and Facebook are behaving like online casinos operating in Spain based in Malta or Gibraltar. But in addition, to achieve these gains, Google has acted ruthlessly to any copyright with services like Google Books and YouTube.

Let us hope that it reconsider.And we'll leave for another day of their ignorance of our right to privacy when filming our streets and houses from satellite and its specialty, with which they have appropriated sensitive data such as bank passwords ...

We must also say that their maps and satellites provide us with good service.What cost? I tried to withdraw the picture of my house that exposed the robbers all inputs and outputs. And I managed to lose hours calls. Why should anyone see where the fence of the house to get into my room?

Google today is irreplaceable and Gmail is an excellent post: I could not live without him and hopefully now I do not cut it.Google will not give away anything. I insist that the data they collect from you will serve to segment the advertising charges and not know what else, because Google is opaque in its operation, and the quantity of information gives immense power.

E disturbing.Google creates great products that seem free, but actually paid for them with something more valuable and irreplaceable than money: our privacy, our privacy, our essence.

For example ...Google knows your name, age, place of residence and summer and has the photos. If you love your partner you can hide it, but Google, which analyzes your mail and advertising puts you "discreet weekend getaways."

A Day Without Google

If true as published by Alejandro Suarez, and, given that neither the Spanish Treasury and Brussels are able to render to Google, the interviewer, who will pay income tax this year more than ever, despite having been depleted their income, and he feels lucky to still have jobs after Google has captured advertising revenues of magazines and newspapers after ownership of the intellectual effort of thousands of authors and the private data of millions of Catalan, Spanish and European, as well as part of our bibliographic and visual to our streets and plazas ... It promises: do not use Google in the first business day tax declaration.

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