

el Pais


Más de la mitad de los jóvenes que quieren trabajar ya están en paro

La tasa de desempleo de los menores de 25 años llega al 52% en el primer trimestre

Es el grupo de edad que encaja una mayor destrucción de empleo, casi el 20% anual

More than half of young people who want work and are unemployed

The unemployment rate for children under 25 years reaches 52% in first quarter

It is the age group that fits more job losses, nearly 20% annually

The Country Madrid 27 ABR 2012 - 11:00 CET
The youth group is usually the previously disengaged from the labor market when economic crisis hits. The possibility of extending the training and financial coverage provided by the family are at the basis of this phenomenon. But the double recession that has embedded Spain since 2009 has blown all historical records. According to the Labour Force Survey published recently, the unemployment rate of under 25 reached 52% in the first quarter.

more information
Unemployment rises to 5.6 million and marks a new high
1.7 million households with all members unemployed
Andalucía, Canarias, Ceuta Extremadura and over 30% unemployment
Construction is destroying jobs four years after

EPA data show therefore that there are more young people who want to work unemployed (921,000) than employment (850,000). Only in the eighties did something similar, then the previous record (48.3% in 1985) begins to fall short in comparison. In the quarter ended 2001, youth unemployment had reached 48.5%.

Youth unemployment is stronger among men than among women. The increase in unemployment over the first quarter was moderate (8%) when compared with other age groups. But where the start of the year has been disastrous for this group has been in the occupation. In annual terms, employment recorded a loss of around 20%, five times the total destruction of jobs (-4%) exposed in this EPA.



カントリーマドリード27 ABR 2012 - 11:00 CET


EPAのデータは、雇用(850,000)よりも失業者921000)の仕事をしたい多くの若者があること、したがって表示されます。唯一の80年代に似た何かをしたし、前のレコード(1985年48.3%と比較して短いを開始します。 2001年に終了した四半期では、若者の失業率は48.5%に達していた



el Pais


El paro sube a 5,6 millones y marca un nuevo máximo en el arranque de 2012

La tasa se eleva al 24,44% y roza el anterior récord, alcanzado en 1994

El Gobierno se atreve a poner un techo y prevé que no supere el 25%

La cifra total de parados se ha incrementado en 729.400 en un año

Unemployment rises to 5.6 million and marks a new high for the start of 2012

The rate rises to 24.44% and slashing the previous record reached in 1994

The government dares to put a roof and not expected to exceed 25%

The total number of unemployed has increased by 729,400 in one year

The double dip of the Spanish economy has caused a sharp increase in unemployment at the start of the 2012. According to data from the Labour Force Survey released today by the INE, the jobless total has risen by 365,900 people between January and March, which left the total of 5,639,500 unemployed, a new record. Employment side, in this period have been destroyed 374,300 jobs, bringing the total down to 17,433,200 occupied three and a half million less than in 2007.

Stop by CC AA. Source: INE / The Country
Both employment to unemployment, this quarter is the worst since the beginning of 2009, during which Spain was going through the worst phase of the Great Recession. In addition, the continued deterioration of the labor market has also raised the unemployment rate to 24.44%, thus slashing the record of 1994, when he came to 24.55%.
Furthermore, for the future, forecasts estimate that the deteriorating labor market will continue for some time, especially considering that the impact of new adjustments adopted to reduce the deficit and cuts have barely started. This fact is evident in public employment, which recorded its first decline in annual terms in the EPA's fourth quarter of 2011, held its fall almost the same levels as three months ago.
For the Government, in 2012 destroyed a total of 630,000 jobs full time for the impact of recession and adjustment in employment. With this forecast, predicting that the unemployment rate, after reaching their highest levels in the first half of the year when you can get to make a peak of 25%, will slow to around 24% at year end. However, the horizon that draw private research services is more pessimistic, as predict that unemployment will also rise in 2013 and some, like AFI or Funcas they figure will exceed 26%.
By gender, the fall in employment is almost three times higher among men (278,300 less) than women (96,000 less). By contrast, the increase in unemployment affects approximately equal numbers of men and women.
Regarding the impact of the crisis by industry, occupation falls in all sectors and unemployment rises. In services there are 147,900 more unemployed in 59,700 Agriculture, Industry and Construction 49,800 29,500. Unemployment is also growing among people who lost their job more than one year (66,200 more) and those who seek their first job (12,800).
The total number of employees with permanent contracts 138,400 low, while that of employees with temporary contracts does in 279,600. At this point we must remember that although labor reform came into force in mid-February, it is too early to try to assess its impact. The EPA is a continuous survey for three months, which equals more a reflection of the situation was about the middle of this period to 30 March.

 The Country Madrid 27 ABR 2012 - 10:35 CET




カントリーマドリード27 ABR 2012 - 10:35 CET
スペイン経済のダブルディップは、2012年の開始時に失業率の急激な増加を引き起こした。 INEが本日発表した労働力調査データによると、失業者の合計は5639500失業者、新しいレコードの合計を残した月から三月までの間に365900人、上昇した。雇用側は、この期間に374300のジョブ、17433200占領下の3つの合計をダウンさせ、2007年に比べて百万円減少の半分を破壊されている。

CC AAによって停止します。出所:INE /国
産業別の危機の影響については、職業はすべてのセクターと失業の上昇に落ちる。サービスでは59700農業、工業、建設49800 29500で147900以上の失業者があります。失業率はまた、一年以上仕事を失った人々(66200以上)とその最初の仕事(12,800)を求める人々の間で高まっています。
138400低恒久的な契約を結んでいる従業員の総数は、一時的な契約を結んでいる従業員のそれが279600の場合としながら。この時点で我々は、労働改革は、2月中旬に発効したが、それはその影響を評価しようとするのは時期尚早であることを覚えておく必要があります。 EPAは、多くの状況の反射が3月30日にこの期間の中間程度であったに等しい三ヶ月の連続調査である。


el Pais


Rajoy asume que su legislatura se saldará con más paro y 500.000 empleos menos

La crisis y el estancamiento esperado para 2013 aplazan la recuperación del mercado laboral

La media de la tasa de desempleo cerrará 2015 en el 22,3% frente al 21,6% de 2011

Rajoy assumes his term will be settled with more unemployment and less than 500,000 jobs

The crisis and stagnation expected for 2013 postponed the labor market recovery

The average unemployment rate closed 2015 at 22.3% compared to 21.6% in 2011

The Country Madrid 27 ABR 2012 - 18:09 CET
The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, has assumed that its legislature, the first after eight years as head of the opsoción, end up with more unemployment than on arrival and the net destruction of approximately half a million jobs, according to forecasts which includes the Stability Program that the government sent to Brussels and which includes the VAT hike in 2013.
As macro contains the table included in this document, which also announced an economic estacamiento 2013, employment will fall by 3.7% this year and another 0.3% next. Recovery will come, in any case from 2014, but it will be so slow that not all dry circuit honoring the abundance of jobs destroyed in the first two years of the legislature. The plan also comes on the same day that EPA has met the first quarter of the year and shows a new peak in the number of unemployed to 5.6 million. The unemployment rate rose to 24.4%.
The fall in employment in Government promises match the return of the Spanish economy into recession in 2012, which is the second in just three years. Disaggregated by exercise, the Executive expects a GDP decline of 1.7% in 2012, causing the elimination of 630,000 jobs. In 2013, coinciding with the return of Spain to the positive growth, albeit with a meager GDP growth of 0.3%, another 60,000 jobs will be destroyed. Meanwhile, in 2014 and 2015 hardly established around about 100,000 in each of these exercises, resulting in a negative balance of about 500,000 jobs end less.
Starting next year, the Executive expects GDP growth of 1.4% in 2014 and 1.8% in 2015. On this side, to reach pre-crisis levels, difficulties in order to consolidate their recovery that the country will recover activity levels before the crisis until 2017, according to recent IMF estimates, equivalent to a full decade loss to its economy.

more informationUnemployment rises to 5.6 million and marks a new highMore than half of young people who want work and are unemployedProvide research services as recession until 2013
Down to the detail of the macroeconomic, the government trusts the recovery of 2013 the external sector. Domestic demand will recede by 1.7% due to a further drop in consumption, both between families and government, and investment, "but much more moderate rates," said Minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos. This moderation will materialize in a decrease of 1.1% of household consumption, compared with 1.4% expected for 2012. The recovery in the cut in public spending is more pronounced, going from a negative contribution of 8% this year to a fall of 4.6%. In any case, this section will not return to positive rates throughout the period provided for in the stability plan.
On this side, the external sector will follow the "trend of recent years," added Guindos, while reducing its positive contribution in 2013 to 1.8%, nine points less than in 2012. The minister stressed, in turn, the trade balance "starts to generate surplus" with the outside, something that has "always has been an economic turnaround." Guindos highlighted the potential of the external sector is explained by the "major adjustment in competitiveness." "Unlike other European economies, the Spanish is competitive and has growth potential," stressed the minister.



マクロは、経済estacamiento 2013を発表し、この文書に含まれるテーブルを含んでいるとして、雇用は3.7%今年と来年、別の0.3%低下します。回復は2014年からどのような場合に、来る、それがすべてではない乾燥した回路は、議会の最初の2年間で破壊されたジョブの豊富さを称えるように遅くなります。計画はまた、EPAは今年最初の四半期を満たしていることを同じ日になると5.6万人に失業者の数が新たなピークを示しています。失業率は24.4%に上昇した。
わずか3年で2番目です2012年には政府の約束で雇用の減少不況にスペイン経済の利益を一致させる。運動によって分解され、エグゼクティブ63万ジョブの除去を引き起こし、2012年に1.7%のGDPの減少を見込んでいる。 2013年に、0.3%のわずかなGDP成長率はあるものの、プラス成長へのスペインの戻りと一致、別の6万ジョブが破棄されます。一方、2014年および2015年にはほとんど少ない約50万ジョブの最後の負のバランス、その結果、これらの演習のそれぞれで約10万人の周りに確立されていません。
来年から、エグゼクティブはGDP 2014年に1.4%成長と2015年に1.8%を想定しています。この面では、危機前のレベルに到達するためには、同等の、最近のIMFの推計によると、国は2017年まで危機前の活動レベルを回復することを彼らの回復を強化するために困難その経済への完全な十年の損失。

マクロ経済の細部に、政府は2013年の外部セクターの回復を信頼してダウン。国内需要は、両方の家族や政府、投資、消費との間の一層の低下に起因する1.7%後退するだろう "が、はるかに緩やかなレートは、"経済産業大臣は、ルイス·デ·は言ったGuindos。このモデレーションは、2012年に期待される1.4パーセントと比較して、家計消費の1.1%の減少で実現します。公共支出のカットの回復は今年8%のマイナス寄与から4.6%の下落に行って、より顕著である。いずれにせよ、このセクションでは、安定計画に定められた期間中の陽性率に戻りません。
2012年に比べて9ポイント低下し、2013から1.8パーセントにその積極的な貢献を削減しながら、この面では、外部セクターが続く "近年の傾向を、" Guindosは、追加されました。大臣は、順番に、貿易収支は、外部とした何か "黒字を生成するために開始されます"と強調した。 "常に景気回復されました。" Guindosは、外部セクターの可能性が説明される強調表示された "競争力の主要な調整。" "他のヨーロッパ諸国とは違って、スペイン語は競争力があると成長可能性を秘めている"と大臣は強調した。

カントリーマドリード27 ABR 2012 - 午後06時09 CET


el Pais



El Gobierno subirá el IVA en 2013 para ajustar el déficit público al 3%

Guindos prevé recaudar 8.000 millones con el alza de impuestos indirectos sobre el consumo

El ministro anuncia que el alza del IVA irá acompañada de rebajas en las cotizaciones sociales

El PP, que criticó con dureza a Zapatero por la misma medida, incumple otra promesa electoral

El plan de estabilidad reparte entre Administración central y comunidades el ajuste fiscal

El Gobierno sostiene que la economía y el paro se estancarán el próximo año


The Government will raise the VAT in 2013 to adjust the budget deficit to 3%

Guindos plans to raise 8,000 million with a rise in indirect taxes on consumption

The minister announced that the VAT increase will be accompanied by reductions in social contributions

The PP, which harshly criticized Zapatero for the same measure violates another election promise

The stability plan shared between central government and community fiscal adjustment

The Government argues that the economy and unemployment will stagnate next year

Alejandro Bolaños Madrid 27 ABR 2012 - 15:09 CET
Will rise in indirect taxes, VAT at the head. Despite his continued denials, the government will resort to this measure to try to balance the budget adjustment Herculean agreed with Brussels-pass from 8.5% to 3% deficit in two years. The Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, just announced at the Moncloa Palace in 2013 is amended "tax structure" to "reduce charges and taxes on employment and increase tax on consumption."
Cherry has been estimated at 8,000 million euros the extra revenue to be achieved by this measure, a figure difficult to achieve without the VAT increase. The increase approved by the Executive Zapatero in July 2010 (from 16% to 18%), then severely criticized by the PP, contributed to the public purse almost 6,500 million euros. And just another tax hike would come to the new collection target confessed by the Minister of Economy. The other indirect taxes on consumption, such as surcharges on alcohol, gasoline or snuff provide, together, about 19,000 million.

Cherry has been estimated at 8,000 million euros the extra revenue to be achieved, a figure difficult to achieve without the VAT increase
"In terms hacendísticos, we speak of indirect tax increases," said Guindos that eluded again and again pronounce the word VAT, despite the questions raised at the conference. Not surprisingly the PP promoted a campaign against the same measure, approved by the Socialist government, just two years ago. In addition, the finance minister linked the rise in indirect taxes to the reduction of social contributions, which did not socialists. That is, the collection will be greater than the 8,000 million announced to offset the revenue loss that may occur by the second measure.
The increase in VAT in exchange for reduction in social contributions as a glove fits the recipe more orthodox, who advocated the IMF or the OECD. Guindos pulled Rebuttals to justify the need for fiscal devaluation to reinforce the competitiveness of the external sector, the only source of growth in this crisis.
Guindos himself four months ago discarded by the VAT increase the risk of aggravating the contraction in private consumption. Today, however argued that the depressive effects of the decline in household spending would have been diluted and in 2013. Nevertheless, the macroeconomic picture today announced that the Government also advances that private consumption will continue to fall next year.

The economy minister also put forward that there will be a privatization plan to generate additional income to allow lower public debt
The other argument profusion handled by the PP before the general election was that the VAT rate remained below the European average, while social contributions are above the euro zone average. The impact of this measure depends on the evolution of employment-and the Government believes this will continue falling in 2013 -. In any case the loss of income to social security will catch at a sensitive time (last year conceded their first deficit in two decades), something that Economy Minister did not comment. Yes they did investors, who led with gains in the stock market, where companies automatically considered as good news: the reduction of labor costs.
The economy minister also put forward that there will be a privatization plan to generate additional income to allow lower debt stabilizing pública.El Government expects that level of public debt in 2014 above 80%. And that cost cutting measures and revenue increases to achieve a balanced budget in 2016.
The stability program, sent to Brussels, distributed equally between central and autonomous adjustment of 5.3% deficit expected this year to 3%. Guindos confident that the contribution of the external sector will stabilize the economy (fall back 1.7% this year), so that GDP advance by 0.1%. Also that the unemployment rate will yield something to anchor in 24%, although job losses continue.







アレハンドロ·ボラニョスマドリード27 ABR 2012 - 午後03時09 CET
頭では間接税、VATが上昇します。彼の継続的な否定にもかかわらず、政府は、ヘラクレスは8.5%から2年間で赤字は3%にブリュッセル·パスと合意した予算の調整のバランスをしようとすると、この手段に訴えるでしょう。ちょうど2013年にモンク宮殿で発表された経済大臣ルイス·デ·Guindosは、 "料金と雇用税を削減し、消費税を上げる"ために "税の構造"を改正される。
チェリーは8,000万ユーロは、この措置によって達成されるために余分な収入、付加価値税の増加させることなく達成するために、困難な図と推定されている。 (16%から18%へ)2010年7月に執行サパテロによって承認増加は、その後深刻なPPによって批判、公共の財布にほぼ6500万ユーロを寄付しました。そして、ちょうど別の税率引き上げは、経済産業大臣が告白した新しいコレクションのターゲットを迎えることになるだろう。例えば、アルコール、ガソリンやタバコに課徴金として消費に関する他の間接税は、一緒に、約19,000百万円を提供しています。

社会貢献の減少と引き換えに付加価値の増加は手袋は、IMFやOECDを提唱し、よりオーソドックスなレシピを、適合するように。 Guindosは、外部セクターの競争力は、この危機の成長の唯一の情報源を強化するために財政切り下げの必要性を正当化するために反駁を引いた。

総選挙前に、PPによって処理される他の引数の豊富さは、社会貢献がユーロ圏平均を上回っている間のVAT率は、ヨーロッパの平均を下回って推移していることでした。この措置の影響の進化に依存する雇用、政府は、これは2013年に立ち続けると信じて - 。いずれにしても社会保障への所得の損失は時間に依存し(昨年は二十年で初めての赤字を認めた)、経済産業大臣はコメントしなかった何かをキャッチします。人件費の削減:はい、彼らは会社が自動的に良いニュースであると考え、株式市場の上昇とともに率いる投資をした。
5.3%の赤字の中央と自律調整の間に均等に分散ブリュッセルに送信された安定性プログラムは、3%に今年は期待した。 0.1%外部セクターの寄与が経済を安定させると確信してGuindos(今年戻って1.7%​​減少)ので、そのGDPの前進。仕事の損失が継続するものの、また、失業率は24%でアンカーに何をもたらすでしょう。


el Pais


Dos años para recibir las ayudas por material ortopédico en Madrid

El Cermi denuncia que la Comunidad tarda en ocasiones más de dos años en reembolsar el dinero de sillas de ruedas o muletas

Two years to receive aid for orthopedic material in Madrid

The complaint that the Community Cermi sometimes takes more than two years to repay the money wheelchairs or crutches

Ellen Sevillano Madrid 26 ABR 2012 - 15:46 CET
Users of wheelchairs, crutches and other assistive devices are delayed until more than two years to return the money it has cost them to buy them, as the Committee has reported today representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities (Cermi) of the Community of Madrid. The Madrid Health Service provides grants for the purchase of equipment orthotics, prescribed by a physician, so that users buy the material and then apply for a refund. The Cermi has received "numerous complaints in recent times" of disabled people benefiting from this aid. The delay is "huge", he adds, because sometimes it takes more than two years to repay the money.
"The administration should stop this immediately, which is unsustainable for many users, since after being forced to make the initial investment has to wait for reimbursement by the public service," said Cermi in a statement. The organization notes that in many cases people who use these aids "are in the lowest levels of income so they are unable to access different funding provided by the health of their region."

The delay "is inconceivable and unacceptable for a group that has low income," says Cermi
The committee adds that explains the reason for the delay since the budgetary allocations for these grants are approved for each year. "Unless you have spent money on other issues," he says. It so happens that there are users who are waiting for aid exceeding EUR 3,500, as in the case of acquisition of electric wheelchairs, says Cermi. Also remember that the problem is not new and has vindicating many years. The delay "is inconceivable and unacceptable for a group that has low income," he concludes.
The Madrid manages grant applications for the purchase of equipment orthotics, prescribed by a physician specialized care National Health System. The materials are those referred to in the portfolio of common services of the NHS, particularly in the orthotics, material catalog.
The Ministry of Health denies that there are delays in reimbursements two years. "Currently all payments are paid for 2010 and early 2011," said a spokesman COUNTRY questions. "The Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid is making a great effort, given the current economic situation, to make a refund as soon as possible, to pay all applicable amounts. And indeed, now running continuous payments," he adds.


エレンSevillanoマドリード26 ABR 2012 - 午後03時46分CET
車椅子、松葉杖、その他の補助装置のユーザーは、委員会は障害者の組織(Cermi)の、今日の代表が報告されたとして、それはそれらを買うためにそれらの費用があるお金を返すために二年以上になるまで遅延されますマドリードのコミュニティ。マドリッド保健サービスは、ユーザーが素材を購入してから、還付の申請をするように、医師によって処方される機器の装具の購入助成金を提供します。 Cermiは、この支援の恩恵を受けて障害者の "最近では多くの苦情"を受信しました。時にはそれがお金を返済するために二年以上かかるため、遅延が、彼は追加して、 "巨大"である。
"政権は、初期投資は、公共サービスによって償還を待つ必要があるように強制された後、以来、多くのユーザーにとって持続可能である、すぐにこれを停止しなければならない" Cermiは声明で述べている。組織は、多くの場合、これらの助剤を使用する人々は "彼らが地域の健康のさまざまな資金にアクセスすることができませんので、収入の最も低いレベルにあります。"と指摘している

遅延は "低所得を持つグループのために考えられないと受け入れられないです"と、Cermi氏は述べています
委員会は、これらの助成金の予算配分は、各年度に承認されているため、遅延の理由を説明することが追加されます。 "あなたは他の問題にお金を費やしている場合を除き、"と彼は言う。そのように電動車いすの買収の場合のように、ユーロ3500を超える援助を待っているユーザーが存在することが起こる、Cermi氏は述べています。また、問題は新しいものではありません、長年vindicatingたことを覚えています。遅延は "低所得を持つグループのために考えられないと受け入れられない"と彼は結論付けています。
保健省は、払い戻し2年の遅れがあることを否定している。 "現在、すべての支払いは2010年と2011年初めに支払われています"と、スポークスマンの国の質問は述べています。 "マドリードのコミュニティの保健省は現在、連続的な支払いを実行し、実際に適用されるすべての金額を支払うために、できるだけ早く還付を作るために、現在の経済状況を考えると、多大な努力を行う。とされている"と彼は付け加えた。